'The Star' is a short story written by an American short story writer named Esther Claes. It tells the story of a famous American singer who has won many musical awards as well as the Grammys awards.
She wakes up one day and she finds that the whole world has turned upside down and that America is on the edge of being attacked by unknown country and she is on her way of being completely destroyed.
The star's parents try to draw her attention all through about the upcoming war and the fact that they might lose everything including their house, their money, water, electricity and even the natural resources of life.
The writer describes throughout the short story the unhealthy atmosphere of the house and the state of fear and terror of the parents who are afraid of what tomorrow would bring to them. The father feels that they would gradually lose water and electricity would soon go out which actually happened. Still 'The Star' has never been pessimistic regarding the future of her country. She believes in the fact that her country can never ever suffer from such a terrible state nor can her country suffer from the awful consequences of war.
Therefore, the story ends with the optimistic perspective of 'The Star' towards tomorrow believing that tomorrow is going to be a better day for her country, herself, and her family despite the fact that her parents get very sick by the end of the story and the reader assumes that the father was dying. Nevertheless, 'The Star' has hope in the future.
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